A Rare Insight into the Scottish Rite

We recently received this generous loan from the San Francisco Scottish Rite Bodies for an upcoming display:

Thuileur des trente-trois degrés de l’écossisme du rit ancien, dit accepté; auquel on a joint la rectification, l’interprétation et l’étymologie des mots sacrés, de passe, d’attouchement, de reconnaissance… Suivi de l’exposé du système de la génération universelle des êtres selon la doctrine symbolique des anciens

[Thuileur* of the thirty-three Scottish degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite; to which we have added the rectification, interpretation and etymology of sacred words, passwords, gestures, recognition… Followed by the presentation of the system of the universal generation of beings according to the symbolic doctrine of the ancients.]

Published in Paris by François-Henri-Stanislas Delaulnaye, 1813.

According to Caillet (I, 2910), ““This rare and sought-after work is one of the best thuileurs that exists…”.

*A Thuileur, (or tyler / tyler, is a lodge officer charged with testing and admitting visitors. It is fitting that books of instruction were also sometimes called the same.